Wednesday 24th July, 2013

Guest Blogger MEL WARING shares with us the emotional highs and lows of being on tour when you're seven months pregnant.

"Touring with the boys at any time on any tour can be many things - exciting, energising, relaxing, exhausting. This tour for myself, those words seem to play a part in each and every day, sometimes all at once. Arriving at 28 weeks pregnant my days can go from feeling on top of the world to crawling under the doona to cry in an instant. Emotions run high for everyone at some stage but with my surging hormones I can say it takes merely a sneeze to make me crack!

This tour so far has brought highs and lows for not only myself but for Nathan and I as a couple. The joy and excitement of Nathan's face lighting up when feeling baby Lyon moving and kicking inside my expanding belly for the first time was by far my highlight, the lows of him not making the first few Test teams and the emotion it stirs is a feeling I can't explain.

I'm happy to admit our life is far from glamorous especially with this bigger-than-most huge belly I'm lugging around, stylish maternity clothes are not easy to come by and when you do find something that you thinks looks fabulous it fits for a few weeks and then you find you start to look like a sausage busting out from the skin and its time for something else. Preparation in planning for a four week tour thinking about my growing body ahead is a hard task, it's been three weeks and I'm out of clothes to wear. My only jeans that were my go-to daily outfit were lost in the hotel washing run on day 2, leaving me with minimal clothing choices and bringing tears every morning when I am trying to find an outfit that doesn't feel out of place.

Another pregnancy curse I have seems to be picking up every bug or illness that spreads through the team. It started with a cold, then flu, then turned into a full blown stomach bug which saw me straddling the toilet bowl for two days straight. A bug is terrible to get at the best of times but when pregnant all I can say is hell. I also fell victim to a toothache while in London last week and after two visits, antibiotics and the start of root canal I'm all fixed up and back eating again.

Although this post seems to be me complaining a lot I do have many positives I can share. I have been able to enjoy all the fabulous treats that we are handed at morning tea guilt free, while some of the others wish they had my excuse each day. I have absolutely no guilt in not going to the gym when the other ladies are working their bums off up there on the treadmills (I might regret this decision when struggling to lose the baby weight no doubt, so girls you can gloat then).

I get to be spoilt by Nathan with a foot massage every night before bed, sometimes I even get a trip to Tesco for a Streets ice cream for dessert. And although my jeans were never recovered, the hotel kindly offered to cover the costs so I did get to go buy a new pair that I have to say we're even better than the old. I also have this fabulous excuse for sleeping in and nanna napping at any time of day in preparation for sleepless nights ahead without any judgement.

All in all maybe being pregnant on tour isn't too bad. I can't wait for what lies ahead in the months to come." - MW

Mel and little baby Lyon!